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Friday, September 28, 2012


Interview questions about Personal Relations.

1.     Your employee, who has problem with punctuality and two years of poor evaluations, has come up for promotion. There are more qualified candidates who have also come up for the same promotion, but you have been romantically involved with an employee. Do you promote your mate?

1. (Low) I will keep quiet.
3. (Average) I will politely talk to her and request will bring the request next year and advise her to improve and improve on her performance
5. (High) since her performance was not good for the past 2 years I will not       entertain such situation no matter I was in love with her. I will promote the other employees and give her warning to improve her behavior.

2.     How would you react to a situation in which a fellow employee confided in you that he was stealing from the company?

1. (Low) appreciate him for honest behavior
3. (Average) request him to return what he has stolen so far
5. (High) taking a disciplinary Action of warning,

3.     What do you do when you know that you are right and others don’t agree with you?

1. (Low) use the available rules to force them to agree with me 
3. (Average) keep quiet and continue with what I am doing
5. (High) Discuss with them about my stand by showing them valid data to convince them to agree with me.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The majority of people meet with failure because they lack the persistence to create new plans to take the place of failed plans.

By : Mark Victor Hansen